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Back to School 2021!

Fall is here, and so is the first semester of the 2021-22 school year. Check out some back-to-school photos to see how your coworkers and their families started the school year.

Bob recently dropped his son, William, at Notre Dame. William and his sister went on a campus tour, stopping by the Notre Dame Grotto and taking in some local entertainment. William's dorm room is supporting KC.

Tatiana’s son is off to Olathe Northwest High School (Engineering Academy). Nikita Sidorov is a sophomore graduating in 2024.

Makennah, Barbara’s granddaughter, began fifth grade at Indian Hills Elementary. She refused to let Nana walk her to the bus stop because it was too humiliating! She’s decided to start playing the trumpet this year, and the only volume she’s mastered thus far is loud.

Miranda’s daughter, Alexandra (Ali), started kindergarten at USD 464-Tongnoxie. She is very interested in science and, when she grows up, wants to work with lions and other animals in the African savanna.

Hina’s children, Livya and Ziva, are starting first grade and fifth grade, respectively.

Kayden Sheppard Linda’s grandson, age 7, on the first day of 2nd grade. He will be playing “tackle” football this year for the first time and Grandma is a bit nervous about it!

Kari’s daughters, Rachel (left) and Lily, headed off to Lawrence Free State High School where they are both sophomores.

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Miranda Steele
Miranda Steele
10 set 2021

Thanks, everyone, for sharing all these great back-to-school pics!

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