Check out the fun ways your coworkers spent the holidays to keep the cheer going a little bit longer!
Nancy & co. recently adopted a 10-month-old Rottweiller rescue puppy from a kill shelter in Wichita. The pup — Rufus — is coming into his personality, gaining weight and is a friendly dog! (Below) A festive tree the Ruf family went to see in Lee’s Summit. The picture doesn’t do it justice.
All smiles during the holidays for the Sidorov-Lin family. 😊
Carlie’s dog, Poppy, had a great Christmas! That said, she was disappointed to find that the only thing she got out of the Zabar's deli basket was some really good smells and a new headband.
PJ sets and matching headbands to ring in the New Year at the Shah household!
Linda’s husband, John, and grandson, Kayden, enjoying the Union Station Christmas Village exhibit in December!
Kari’s daughters enjoying the once-in-a-lifetime viewing of the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. And (below) later enjoying a snowy New Year!
While in Arkansas, Michele and Stewart visited Mount Magazine, the highest point of the U.S. Interior Highlands, at an elevation of 2,753’. (...thanks, wikipedia!)
Emily used her crafty skills to create a gingerbread replica of her real-life home.
After more than six months of distant learning, a day filled with snow and joy! (Below) On a snowy day, Wen-Chieh circumvented international travel and opted to build his own version of Stonehenge.
No shortage of treats during Cheng-You’s holiday festivities!
A belated happy pawlidays from Wyatt’s pup, Biscuit, who’s a gentle, cautious soul.
For one year — and one year only — Sydney and her little sister (turned pandemic roommate) made a holiday card.